On 2024/09/12 19:42, Pádraig Brady wrote:
On 12/09/2024 11:16, Simon Wolfe wrote:
I have one file name that uses Unicode character U+318DF, which is in the 
tertiary pane, more precisely CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H.

touch 𱣟



Extension H was introduced in Unicode 15.0 in 2022.

I also notice that this bug occurs with any character with Extension I 
(introduced in 2023).

Extension G seems to works okay.

ls 9.4 works as expected for me with glibc-2.39 in a UTF-8 locale.
I.e. that file is displayed directly.
Now if I set the locale to non UTF-8 it will display the form above
(which works on all locales BTW).

   $ touch ''$'\360\261\243\237'
   $ ls ''$'\360\261\243\237'
   $ LC_ALL=C ls ''$'\360\261\243\237'

So I suspect your system libs are not updated to recognize this character,
hence the fallback format is used.


I am on UTF-8 locale (ja_JP.utf8), though with glibc-2.35. I am not sure I can 
upgrade without breaking dependencies.

Thanks for checking, anyway.

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