I have encountered an issue with chroot (from Coreutils version 9.0), but I
think this email might fall more under the category of "comment" or maybe
"question" rather than "bug report", since it's not clear that the observed
behavior is unintentional.

I have noticed that chroot will incorrectly report that a command could not
be found, when in fact it is a shared library which the command needs
that could not be found, while the command itself is actually present.

say you have the bare minimum dependencies to run 'bash' in some isolated
$ cd ~/my_isolated_env
$ ldd usr/bin/bash
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
$ sudo chroot . /usr/bin/bash -c "echo hello" # successful execution
$ rm ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 # delete shared library that bash
$ sudo chroot . /usr/bin/bash -c "echo hello" # unsuccessful execution
chroot: failed to run command '/usr/bin/bash': No such file or directory

Looking at the source code in chroot.c, it doesn't seem impossible to add
some logic that makes this error message more accurate (i.e. that a shared
library is missing, not the executable itself). Unless this behaviour is
well known and intentional (which wouldn't surprise me). In which case, my
question would be: why is that? Is this error message not to be considered
misleading? Is there some practical reason for not being more specific in
this error message?

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