tail: unrecognized file system type 0x794c7630 for ‘/var/log/messages’. please report this to bug-coreutils@gnu.org. reverting to polling

*/John Koppolu'/*
*/Technical Director,/*
*/PrimeTel PTY LTD T/A NConnect ,/*
*/Plot 1266 Luthuli Road, /*
*/Gaborone +267 3912016 +267 77 8 999 51/*
*/Skype: johnkoppolu./*
/Help line: 3994077 is avail 24 hours 3994079 is only avail during working days/
/between 8A to 5PM also you can write us email to supp...@ncbw.co.bw./
/*Our Bank Details:*
Bank of India (Botswana)Ltd, A/C Name: Primtel (Pty)Ltd A/C Online:7120100000187
Other Transfer: 267120100000187
Branch Code: 4501667/

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