It has to be something messing/interacting with coreutils/date on
19.04 (and probably on Tumbleweed).
I created a new container with 19.04, and then:
* apt build-dep coreutils
* apt install rsync wget git
* git clone git://
* cd coreutils
* export FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 # too lazy to adduser
* ./boostrap
* ./configure
* make

at the end of the build I ran both the provided date and the
just-built one. Both ran correctly:

root@u1904:~/coreutils# date --debug +%-Y -d '- 2010 years'
date: parsed relative part: -2010 year(s)
date: input timezone: system default
date: using current time as starting value: '00:30:39'
date: using current date as starting value: '(Y-M-D) 2019-04-16'
date: starting date/time: '(Y-M-D) 2019-04-16 00:30:39'
date: warning: when adding relative months/years, it is recommended to
specify the 15th of the months
date: after date adjustment (-2010 years, +0 months, +0 days),
date:     new date/time = '(Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:39'
date: '(Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:39' = -61874062161 epoch-seconds
date: timezone: system default
date: final: -61874062161.081576777 (epoch-seconds)
date: final: (Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:39 (UTC)
date: final: (Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:39 (UTC+00)

root@u1904:~/coreutils# src/date --debug +%-Y -d '- 2010 years'
date: parsed relative part: -2010 year(s)
date: input timezone: system default
date: using current time as starting value: '00:30:49'
date: using current date as starting value: '(Y-M-D) 2019-04-16'
date: starting date/time: '(Y-M-D) 2019-04-16 00:30:49'
date: warning: when adding relative months/years, it is recommended to
specify the 15th of the months
date: after date adjustment (-2010 years, +0 months, +0 days),
date:     new date/time = '(Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:49'
date: '(Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:49' = -61874062151 epoch-seconds
date: timezone: system default
date: final: -61874062151.239637280 (epoch-seconds)
date: final: (Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:49 (UTC)
date: final: (Y-M-D) 0009-04-16 00:30:49 (UTC+00)

I then compiled & ran Asaf's inv-year.c:

root@u1904:~# gcc -o inv-year inv-year.c
root@u1904:~# ./inv-year
time() = 1555375408
localtime() = 2019-04-16 00:43:28
              (mday=16 wday=2, isdst=0)
struct tm (after adjustment) = 0009-04-16 00:43:28
                               (mday=16 wday=2, isdst=0)
mktime() after date adjustment = -61874061392

So: a pristine 19.04 runs it. My laptop (which is my work machine,
full of other packages & programs), does not.

Oh -- Assaf, yes, I am very well aware 19.04 has not yet been
released. But -- unless we find something critical -- it is basically
what will be  released in a few days. I do not expect a rebuild of the
coreutils package, for example.



On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 6:11 PM O. Emmerson <> wrote:
> On 15/04/2019 21:55, Assaf Gordon wrote:
> > To see if this is glibc issue, or perhaps an gnulib/mktime_z wrapper
> > issue, can you (and/or others) try the attached C program?
> >
> > It calls time(2)+localtime(3)+mktime(3) to emulate the date adjustment.
> >
> > Because the adjustment is to year 9 (about 1961 years before epoch),
> > the time_t value is negative. perhaps that's the issue? or perhaps
> > combined with a specific timezone it becomes problematic?
> For me it gives:
> $ ./inv-year
> time() = 1555369320
> localtime() = 2019-04-16 00:02:00
>                (mday=16 wday=2, isdst=1)
> struct tm (after adjustment) = 0009-04-16 00:02:00
>                                 (mday=16 wday=2, isdst=1)
> inv-year: mktime() failed: Value too large for defined data type
> And debug gives:
> $ date +%-Y -d "- 112 years" --debug
> date: parsed relative part: -112 year(s)
> date: input timezone: system default
> date: using current time as starting value: '00:04:32'
> date: using current date as starting value: '(Y-M-D) 2019-04-16'
> date: starting date/time: '(Y-M-D) 2019-04-16 00:04:32'
> date: warning: when adding relative months/years, it is recommended to
> specify the 15th of the months
> date: error: adding relative date resulted in an invalid date: '(Y-M-D)
> 1907-04-16 00:04:32'
> date: invalid date ‘- 112 years’


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