tags 35109 notabug
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On 2019-04-02 7:23 a.m., Maximilian Gleißner wrote:
I have encountered a possible bug with the date function using both SuSE
LEAP 15.0 and SuSE 10.2.
This bug occurs when asking date for 'tomorrow' when there is a daylight
saving timechange.
This is not a bug, just a usage issue.
Note: The machine is located in the GMT+1 timezone, and daylight savings
time changed on 31.03.2019 02:00 jumping to 03:00
Exactly - and 'date' adjust the time accordingly by adding
an hour if the timezone was crossed.
(technically it's not date(1) but glibc, if that matters).
To replicate the bug:
date -s "2019-03-30 23:XX" #where XX is any valid
minute, e.g. 23:35
date -d 'tomorrow' #expected output:
2019-03-31 23:XX
actual output: 2019-04-01 00:XX
Note that 'date' printed one more critical piece of information:
$ date
Sat Mar 30 23:10:41 GMT 2019
$ date -d tomorrow
Mon Apr 1 00:10:43 BST 2019
The timezone shifted from GMT to BST - and the time was adjusted
accordingly by adding an hour, and crossing into April 1st.
Similarly, if you waited 5 hours from 2019-03-30 23:35
it would be 5am, not 4am - and date needs to account for that:
$ date
Sat Mar 30 23:18:47 GMT 2019
$ date -d "+5 hours"
Sun Mar 31 05:18:49 BST 2019
I am aware you recommend not using local timezones and daylight savings
time, but I still think this should/could be implemented better.
The GNU coreutils team does not recommend such a thing at all.
In fact, team member Prof. Paul Eggert is the editor maintainer of the
Time Zone database ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database ) which
is used by almost every operating system and many programming languages
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database#Use_in_software_systems ).
There is a strong recommendation however, to specify "noon" (12pm)
whenever doing date arithmetics, exactly to avoid DST issues.
$ date
Sat Mar 30 23:24:08 GMT 2019
$ date -d "12pm tomorrow"
Sun Mar 31 12:00:00 BST 2019
On the other hand, it is the European Union that wants to do away
with daylight saving time:
To learn more about the inner-working of GNU date
and similar issues with DST, please see past discussions here:
As such, I'm marking this as "not a bug", but discussion can continue by
replying to this thread.
- assaf