severity 34009 wishlist
retitle 34009 doc: mkdir: warn that --mode doesn't affect parents


On 2019-01-07 8:36 a.m., 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote:

do warn that --mode doesn't affect any parents created.

$ mkdir --mode 700 -p /tmp/g/h/i
$ find /tmp/g -ls
     55795      0 drwxr-xr-x   3 jidanni  jidanni        60 Jan  7 23:30 /tmp/g
     55796      0 drwxr-xr-x   3 jidanni  jidanni        60 Jan  7 23:30 
     55797      0 drwx------   2 jidanni  jidanni        40 Jan  7 23:30 

Also warn on (info "(coreutils) mkdir invocation") more directly. Thanks.

The info manual does contain a short sentence about parents' modes:
 "To set the file permission bits of any newly-created parent
  directories to a value [...]"

But this can be improved.

Marking as wishlist. Patches are welcomed.

 - assaf'

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