Hi Florian,

> I try to extract function assembly code with objdump using
> "--start-address" and "--stop-address" options but the stop address stop
> on the second to last address.

> $ objdump --start-address=0x50c40 --stop-address=0x50c5f -d

>    50c59:     b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax
>    50c5e:     c3                      retq
> As you can see the last address is wrong. The assembly code stop on
> 0x50c5e instead of 0x50c5f.

Actually this is the intended behaviour.  The --stop-address option 
specifies the address at which objdump should *stop* displaying data.  
So when objdump reaches address 50c5f it stops and does not display
the disassembly for that address.

In order to display the entire disassembly of a specific region you
need to set the stop address to one more than the last address of the
region concerned.  So in your example:

  $ objdump --start-address=0x50c40 --stop-address=0x50c60 -d

should work.


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