On 10 May 2012, bprin...@sympatico.ca wrote:

On 10 May 2012, matthew.gretton-d...@arm.com wrote:
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 05:14:56PM +0100, Bill Pringlemeir wrote:

>>> I have issues decoding 'mrs sp,spsr' with objdump for an ARM target.
>>> 00000000 <irq_handler>:
>>> 0:   e14fd000        .word   0xe14fd000
>>> I only pass '--disassemble'.  The objdump was built with
>> I cannot reproduce this behaviour with binutils built from plain FSF
>> sources.
>> Can you please provide a small test case showing the source passed
>> into the assembler; how the assembler is invoked; and how objdump is
>> invoked on the assembler's output?
> Thanks.  I also can not reproduce this will a small assembler files and
> object.  It has something to do with other instructions/headers in the
> object file.


   $ ~/x-tools/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-objdump -j 
'.vectors.irq' -S arm926ej-s-r0p3-microvisor.o  | head

   arm926ej-s-r0p3-microvisor.o:     file format elf32-littlearm

   Disassembly of section .vectors.irq:

   00000000 <irq_handler>:
      0:   e14fd000        mrs     sp, SPSR
      4:   e24ee004        sub     lr, lr, #4
      8:   e50fe008        str     lr, [pc, #-8]   ; 0 <irq_handler>

   $ ~/x-tools/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-objdump -S 
arm926ej-s-r0p3-microvisor.o  | grep -A3 -B10 '<irq_handler>:'

   000002cc <syscall_literal_pool>:
    2cc:   00000000        .word   0x00000000
    2d0:   e1a00000        nop                     ; (mov r0, r0)
    2d4:   e1a00000        nop                     ; (mov r0, r0)
    2d8:   e1a00000        nop                     ; (mov r0, r0)
    2dc:   e1a00000        nop                     ; (mov r0, r0)

   Disassembly of section .vectors.irq:

   00000000 <irq_handler>:
      0:   e14fd000        .word   0xe14fd000
      4:   e24ee004        sub     lr, lr, #4
      8:   e50fe008        str     lr, [pc, #-8]   ; 0 <irq_handler>

The previous section seems to play some sort of issue.

Bill Pringlemeir.

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