I hope this is the right place for sim bugs.  If not, let me know, gdb would be 
my next guess.

I found a nasty sim bug:

Index: binutils/binutils/sim/common/sim-load.c
--- binutils/binutils/sim/common/sim-load.c     (revision 1609)
+++ binutils/binutils/sim/common/sim-load.c     (working copy)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <h
 #include <time.h>
+#include "sim-main.h"
 #include "sim-basics.h"
 #include "bfd.h"
 #include "sim-utils.h"

Now, the reason why this is a bug is obscure.  SIM_ADDR is defaulted to 
32-bits, and in every other file, sim-main.h can define:

  #define CORE_ADDR_TYPE unsigned long

but this one file doesn't include that header, so, in this one file SIM_ADDR is 
32-bits, and in the rest of the objects it is 64-bit, hence breaking 64-bit 
ports that use sim-main.h to define CORE_ADDR_TYPE.

If this isn't the right fix, let me know which header these are supposed to go 
in...  Thanks.
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