[...@gnu-6 lrb]$ cat b.s
        .intel_syntax noprefix
        mov eax, 0xEE000F0
        mov eax, dword ptr 0xEE000F0
        mov eax, [0xEE000F0]
        mov eax, dword ptr [0xEE000F0]
        mov eax, ds:0xEE000F0
        mov eax, dword ptr ds:0xEE000F0
[...@gnu-6 lrb]$ gcc -c b.s
[...@gnu-6 lrb]$ objdump -dw b.o

b.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <.text>:
   0:   b8 f0 00 e0 0e          mov    $0xee000f0,%eax
   5:   b8 f0 00 e0 0e          mov    $0xee000f0,%eax
   a:   b8 f0 00 e0 0e          mov    $0xee000f0,%eax
   f:   b8 f0 00 e0 0e          mov    $0xee000f0,%eax
  14:   8b 04 25 f0 00 e0 0e    mov    0xee000f0,%eax
  1b:   8b 04 25 f0 00 e0 0e    mov    0xee000f0,%eax
[...@gnu-6 lrb]$

It treats [0xEE000F0] as the same as 0xEE000F0.

           Summary: x86 assembler failed to handle [addr] in Intel mode
           Product: binutils
           Version: 2.21 (HEAD)
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: gas
        AssignedTo: unassigned at sources dot redhat dot com
        ReportedBy: hjl dot tools at gmail dot com
                CC: bug-binutils at gnu dot org


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