------- Additional Comments From nickc at redhat dot com  2009-07-10 08:21 
Hi Chris,

> Unfortunately, I must report that once again we need to remove instructions 
> that don't belong like mrrc, blx, ldc2, usat, etc.

I am still not seeing this.  You will have to show me a way to reproduce the 

Not for reference this is what I am currently seeing with my local test case:

  % cat 10288.s

        .word 0x4c585ee5
        .word 0x01a23597
        .word 0x3d9da24e
        .word 0x46647659
        .word 0x77c1cdb4
        .word 0xe640361f
        .word 0x4c585ee5
        .word 0xd446399e
        .word 0x11d87ed1
        .word 0x44afa697
        .word 0xd4bf78b4
        .word 0xbc041350
        .word 0x4c585ee5
        .word 0xfd37a04f
        .word 0xfabf5236
        .word 0x46647659    @    strbmi  r7, [r4], -r9, asr r6
        .word 0x77c1cdb4    @    strbvc  ip, [r1, r4, lsr sp]
        .word 0xe640361f    @    strb    r3, [r0], -pc, lsl r6
        .word 0x3d9da24e    @    lfmcc   f2, 1, [sp, #312]

  % arm-eabi-as 10288.s -o 10288.o
  % arm-eabi-objdump -D -j .text -marm7tdmi 10288.o

   0:   4c585ee5        ldclmi  14, cr5, [r8], {229}    ; 0xe5
   4:   01a23597        undefined instruction 0x01a23597
   8:   3d9da24e        lfmcc   f2, 1, [sp, #312]       ; (ldccc 2, cr10, [sp,
#312])   ; 0x138
   c:   46647659        undefined instruction 0x46647659
  10:   77c1cdb4        undefined instruction 0x77c1cdb4
  14:   e640361f        undefined instruction 0xe640361f
  18:   4c585ee5        ldclmi  14, cr5, [r8], {229}    ; 0xe5
  1c:   d446399e        strble  r3, [r6], #-2462        ; 0x99e
  20:   11d87ed1        ldrsbne r7, [r8, #225]  ; 0xe1
  24:   44afa697        strtmi  sl, [pc], #1687 ; 2c <foo+0x2c>
  28:   d4bf78b4        ldrtle  r7, [pc], #2228 ; 30 <foo+0x30>
  2c:   bc041350        stclt   3, cr1, [r4], {80}      ; 0x50
  30:   e1a00000        nop                     ; (mov r0, r0)
  34:   4c585ee5        ldclmi  14, cr5, [r8], {229}    ; 0xe5
  38:   fd37a04f        undefined instruction 0xfd37a04f
  3c:   fabf5236        undefined instruction 0xfabf5236
  40:   46647659        undefined instruction 0x46647659
  44:   77c1cdb4        undefined instruction 0x77c1cdb4
  48:   e640361f        undefined instruction 0xe640361f
  4c:   3d9da24e        lfmcc   f2, 1, [sp, #312]       ; (ldccc 2, cr10, [sp,
#312])   ; 0x138

  % arm-eabi-objdump -D -j .text 10288.o

   0:   4c585ee5        mrrcmi  14, 14, r5, r8, cr5
   4:   01a23597        undefined instruction 0x01a23597
   8:   3d9da24e        lfmcc   f2, 1, [sp, #312]       ; (ldccc 2, cr10, [sp,
#312])   ; 0x138
   c:   46647659        undefined instruction 0x46647659
  10:   77c1cdb4        undefined instruction 0x77c1cdb4
  14:   e640361f        undefined instruction 0xe640361f
  18:   4c585ee5        mrrcmi  14, 14, r5, r8, cr5
  1c:   d446399e        strble  r3, [r6], #-2462        ; 0x99e
  20:   11d87ed1        ldrsbne r7, [r8, #225]  ; 0xe1
  24:   44afa697        strtmi  sl, [pc], #1687 ; 2c <foo+0x2c>
  28:   d4bf78b4        ldrtle  r7, [pc], #2228 ; 30 <foo+0x30>
  2c:   bc041350        stclt   3, cr1, [r4], {80}      ; 0x50
  30:   e1a00000        nop                     ; (mov r0, r0)
  34:   4c585ee5        mrrcmi  14, 14, r5, r8, cr5
  38:   fd37a04f        ldc2    0, cr10, [r7, #-316]!   ; 0xfffffec4
  3c:   fabf5236        blx     fefd491c <foo+0xfefd491c>
  40:   46647659        undefined instruction 0x46647659
  44:   77c1cdb4        undefined instruction 0x77c1cdb4
  48:   e640361f        undefined instruction 0xe640361f
  4c:   3d9da24e        lfmcc   f2, 1, [sp, #312]       ; (ldccc 2, cr10, [sp,
#312])   ; 0x138




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