------- Additional Comments From pwilson at scopuli dot com  2009-02-14 03:54 
Created an attachment (id=3736)
 --> (http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=3736&action=view)
Output of --debug-relax option using WinAVR 20081205

Output from:
avr-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe  -DF_CPU=8000000 -Os -Wall -gdwarf-2
-mmcu=atmega8535  -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min -Wl,-relax -Wl,--debug-relax
-Wl,-Map=sprink.map,--cref  -g sprink.o cons.o

avr-gcc --version
avr-gcc (WinAVR 20081205) 4.3.2

avr-ld --version
GNU ld (WinAVR 20081205) 2.19



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