Hi Bryce,

"reg-name-std" needs to be replaced with "reg-names-std"

So it does.  I have committed the obvious patch (attached).


2005-10-10  Bryce Schober  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * doc/binutils.texi (objdump): Fix typo: -reg-name-std should be
Index: binutils/doc/binutils.texi
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/binutils/doc/binutils.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -c -3 -p -r1.80 binutils.texi
*** binutils/doc/binutils.texi  4 Oct 2005 11:03:38 -0000       1.80
--- binutils/doc/binutils.texi  10 Oct 2005 08:39:04 -0000
*************** can be placed together into a comma sepa
*** 1714,1720 ****
  If the target is an ARM architecture then this switch can be used to
  select which register name set is used during disassembler.  Specifying
! @option{-M reg-name-std} (the default) will select the register names as
  used in ARM's instruction set documentation, but with register 13 called
  'sp', register 14 called 'lr' and register 15 called 'pc'.  Specifying
  @option{-M reg-names-apcs} will select the name set used by the ARM
--- 1714,1720 ----
  If the target is an ARM architecture then this switch can be used to
  select which register name set is used during disassembler.  Specifying
! @option{-M reg-names-std} (the default) will select the register names as
  used in ARM's instruction set documentation, but with register 13 called
  'sp', register 14 called 'lr' and register 15 called 'pc'.  Specifying
  @option{-M reg-names-apcs} will select the name set used by the ARM
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