Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
Machine: x86_64
OS: msys
Compiler: gcc
Compilation CFLAGS: -g -O2
uname output: MSYS_NT-10.0-19045 Zack2021HPPavilion
3.5.3-d8b21b8c.x86_64 2024-07-09 18:03 UTC x86_64 Msys
Machine Type: x86_64-pc-msys

Bash Version: 5.3
Patch Level: 0
Release Status: alpha

diff --git a/general.c b/general.c
index 5c26ae38..723607eb 100644
--- a/general.c
+++ b/general.c
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ absolute_program (const char *string)
   return ((char *)mbschr (string, '/') != (char *)NULL);
   return ((char *)mbschr (string, '/') != (char *)NULL ||
-   (char *)mbschr (string, '\\') != (char *)NULL)
+   (char *)mbschr (string, '\\') != (char *)NULL);

On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 2:37 PM Zachary Santer <> wrote:
> On the other hand, do funsubs give us the answer here?
> shopt -s lastpipe
> declare -a pid=()
> command-1 | tee >( command-2 ) ${ pid+=( "${!}" ); } >( command-3 ) ${
> pid+=( "${!}" ); } >( command-4 ) ${ pid+=( "${!}" ); }
> wait -- "${pid[@]}"

This absolutely works, so there you go. When expanding multiple
process substitutions as arguments to a command, you can save the $!
resulting from each one by following it with an unquoted funsub that
does that work and doesn't expand to anything.

> That looks obnoxious

I don't mind how it looks. It works.

> declare -a pid=()
> {
>   commands
> } {fd[0]}< <( command-1 )  ${ pid+=( "${!}" ); } {fd[1]}< <( command-2
> ) ${ pid+=( "${!}" ); } {fd[2]}< <( command-3 ) ${ pid+=( "${!}" ); }
> Do things start breaking?

Yeah, this doesn't work at all, but whatever. You can get the same
result by performing each redirection with exec individually, followed
by saving $! somewhere.

I want to say that expanding multiple process substitutions as
arguments to a single command was the one situation where you couldn't
arrange things such that you can save $! after each time a process
substitution is expanded, and funsubs seem to have solved that
problem. I won't be offended if there's still no mechanism to tell the
running script about pids of multiple child processes at the same
time, when later versions of bash come out.

See my attachments, though. Something about my second set of process
substitutions is causing 'wait' without arguments to not wait for the
final procsub, whose pid is still in $! at the time.

procsub-wait-solution false

On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 2:38 PM Chet Ramey <> wrote:
> There is code tagged
> for bash-5.4 that allows `wait -n' to look at these exited processes as
> long as it's given an explicit set of pid arguments.

I agree with all the knowledgeable people here telling you that the
way 'wait -n' is still implemented in bash-5.3-alpha is obviously
wrong, but I also want to point out that the way you plan to change
its behavior in bash-5.4 still won't allow Greg's example below to
work reliably.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 9:06 PM Greg Wooledge <> wrote:
> greg@remote:~$ cat ~greybot/factoids/wait-n; echo
> Run up to 5 processes in parallel (bash 4.3): i=0 j=5; for elem in 
> "${array[@]}"; do (( i++ < j )) || wait -n; my_job "$elem" & done; wait

He'd have to do something like this:
set -o noglob
i=0 j=5
declare -a pid_set=()
for elem in "${array[@]}"; do
  if (( ! i++ < j )); then
    wait -n -p terminated_pid -- "${!pid_set[@]}"
    unset pid_set[terminated_pid]
  my_job "$elem" &

It's probably best that 'wait -n' without arguments and 'wait -n' with
explicit pid arguments have the same relationship to each other as
'wait' without arguments and 'wait' with explicit pid arguments.

In other words, process substitutions notwithstanding,
$ wait
$ wait -- "${all_child_pids[@]}"
do the same thing.

$ wait -n
$ wait -n -- "${all_child_pids[@]}"
should also do the same thing.
zsant@Zack2021HPPavilion MSYS ~/repos/bash
$ ./bash.exe ~/random/procsub-wait-solution true
+ : '5.3.0(1)-alpha'
+ wait_explicit_pids=true
+ pid=()
+ declare -a pid
++ sleep 8
++ pid+=(${!})
++ sleep 6
++ pid+=(${!})
++ sleep 4
++ pid+=(${!})
++ sleep 2
++ pid+=(${!})
+ : /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62 /dev/fd/61 /dev/fd/60
+ : 'declare -a pid=([0]="20370" [1]="20371" [2]="20372" [3]="20373")' 
+ [[ true == true ]]
+ wait -- 20370 20371 20372 20373
+ : termination status 0 at 8 seconds
+ pid=()
+ printf 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n'
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
+ tee -- /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62 /dev/fd/61 /dev/fd/60
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
+ : 'declare -a pid=([0]="20375" [1]="20376" [2]="20377" [3]="20378")' 
+ [[ true == true ]]
+ wait -- 20375 20376 20377 20378
overly emphatic : The. Quick. Brown. Fox. Jumps. Over. The. Lazy. Dog.
tortoise, actually : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy tortoise.
line length : 44
+ : termination status 0 at 8 seconds
+ : This breaks, but that is fine.
+ pid=()
+ fd=()
+ declare -a fd
/home/zsant/random/procsub-wait-solution: line 65: syntax error near unexpected 
token `${ pid+=(${!}); }'
/home/zsant/random/procsub-wait-solution: line 65: `{ :; } {fd[0]}< <( sleep 4; 
) ${ pid+=( ${!} ); } \'

zsant@Zack2021HPPavilion MSYS ~/repos/bash
$ ./bash.exe ~/random/procsub-wait-solution false
+ : '5.3.0(1)-alpha'
+ wait_explicit_pids=false
+ pid=()
+ declare -a pid
++ sleep 8
++ pid+=(${!})
++ sleep 6
++ pid+=(${!})
++ sleep 4
++ pid+=(${!})
++ sleep 2
++ pid+=(${!})
+ : /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62 /dev/fd/61 /dev/fd/60
+ : 'declare -a pid=([0]="20385" [1]="20386" [2]="20387" [3]="20388")' 
+ [[ false == true ]]
+ wait
+ : termination status 0 at 2 seconds
+ pid=()
+ printf 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n'
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
++ set +x
++ pid+=(${!})
+ tee -- /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62 /dev/fd/61 /dev/fd/60
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
+ : 'declare -a pid=([0]="20390" [1]="20391" [2]="20392" [3]="20393")' 
+ [[ false == true ]]
+ wait
+ : termination status 0 at 0 seconds
+ : This breaks, but that is fine.
+ pid=()
+ fd=()
+ declare -a fd
/home/zsant/random/procsub-wait-solution: line 65: syntax error near unexpected 
token `${ pid+=(${!}); }'
/home/zsant/random/procsub-wait-solution: line 65: `{ :; } {fd[0]}< <( sleep 4; 
) ${ pid+=( ${!} ); } \'

zsant@Zack2021HPPavilion MSYS ~/repos/bash
$ overly emphatic : The. Quick. Brown. Fox. Jumps. Over. The. Lazy. Dog.
tortoise, actually : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy tortoise.
line length : 44

Attachment: procsub-wait-solution
Description: Binary data

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