Hi Paul,

Paul Nelson <ultr...@gmail.com> writes:

> Indeed, the motivation for the bug fix that started this thread was
> that I've been polishing https://github.com/ultronozm/czm-tex-fold.el
> lately, with the aim of sharing it here and pushing it in some form to
> AUCTeX or ELPA (ideally, from my POV, the package would "cease to
> exist").

Yes, pushing the maintainance to others is always a good strategy ;-)

> Besides verbatim environments, the package adds folding support for
> quotes, dashes and begin/end environments (and maybe a couple more
> opinionated defaults of lesser importance).
> The folding for verbatim environments that we just discussed could be
> incorporated by something like the attached patch.

Many thanks for the patch, I installed that change (incl. the change
from your next mail).

> The other features could be discussed separately.  Any thoughts would
> be appreciated.

I suggest you prepare a patch for every feature you want to move into
AUCTeX and file a bug report, then we can discuss and install it.  For
now, I'm closing this report.

Best, Arash

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