Thank you! Happy end-of-year holidays, everyone!

On Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 6:46 AM Dr. Jürgen Sauermann <
mail@jü> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I have applied your patches - *SVN 1806*.
> A general problem with the SIGWINCH signal is that it is not emitted when
> the apl interpreter
> starts up (which make sense because the windows is not resized at that
> point in time).
> One could think of asking the window manager for the current window size
> but even though that
> would be possible it is not portable in any way.
> The INITIAL-⎕PW is a simple work-around to fix this.
> Best Regards,
> Jürgen
> On 12/23/24 22:47, M.Hall wrote not e:
> Yes, I see now the behavior is not quite right, is it?  With INITIAL-⎕PW
> disabled, the ⎕PW still starts up at 80, ignoring the window width even
> with WINCH-SETS-⎕PW.  Somehow we would have to detect if it was set, and
> use it only then, instead of always setting it.
> What I found unexpected was setting the initial width in the preferences
> file, and not getting it -- having it overriden by the current window width.
> I thought that if the user set the initial ⎕PW in the preferences file,
> AND enabled WINCH-SET-PW, they still ought to get their initial ⎕PW. If
> they resized the window later, then the ⎕PW would follow the window width.
> It's like using the command line setting "--PW 80" -- it overrides
> everything else, which makes sense. Highest priority is the command line,
> then the initial ⎕PW in the preferences file (if set), then the window
> width (if enabled), finally DEFAULT_Quad_PW.
> I was just summarizing what I thought was the priority of the three
> settings, and trying to make sense of how they work.
> Want 80? Unset both preference settings. Forget they exist.  :-)
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2024 at 10:46 AM Paul Rockwell <>
> wrote:
>> Jürgen,
>> It's macOS that's the problem as Mike states.  I've confirmed with a
>> small C program that the ioctl TIOCGWINSZ has a different value on macOS
>> than on Linux.
>> WINCH-SETS-⎕PW works without the patch on Linux. With Mike's first patch,
>> it works the same way on both platforms.
>> I'm a little ambivalent about out the second patch to provide a
>> "priority". I like the way WINCH-SETS-⎕PW works as it's currently
>> implemented. I tried using Mike's second patch but
>> it didn't seem to work as I would have thought. So I backed it out. I
>> would think there would be some additonal work to make it work as Mike
>> wants. Personally having WINCH-SETS-⎕PW
>> (which sets ⎕PW to the window size) is the ultimate override - you get
>> what you're console column width is set for. Want 80? Set the console to 80.
>> - paul
>> On Dec 23, 2024, at 10:26 AM, M.Hall <> wrote:
>> WINCH-SETS-⎕PW did not originally work, on macOS Sonoma 14.7.2.
>> Because macOS does not use the same TIOCGWINSZ magic number that was
>> hard-coded.
>> With the first patch, WINCH-SETS-⎕PW does now work on macOS.
>> From my original email:
>> > I noticed that quad-pw wasn't changing with window resizes on macOS
>> (Sonoma 14.7.2).
>> > Here's a patch; there's probably a better way to do it.
>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2024 at 6:12 AM Dr. Jürgen Sauermann <
>> mail@jü> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am still not clear about whether the WINCH-SETS-⎕PW preference
>>> works or does not work on Mike's platform (which ?). Could someone
>>> please test that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jürgen
>>> On 12/22/24 20:03, M.Hall wrote:
>>> Paul Rockwell writes:
>>> > There may be a side effect, though. With the option set and Mike's
>>> code inserted, ⎕PW will be set to whatever the current terminal width is,
>>> not the IBM APL2 default of 80.
>>> Yes. There are three settings that interact:
>>>   - command line "--PW xx"
>>>   - preferences "INITIAL-⎕PW  xx"
>>>   - preferences "WINCH-SETS-⎕PW"
>>> The command line setting overrides all others. This makes sense to me.
>>> INITIAL-⎕PW is active when WINCH-SETS-⎕PW is off.  Also, good.
>>> When WINCH-SETS-⎕PW is enabled, the code bypasses the INITIAL-⎕PW
>>> setup.  Hmmm.
>>> I think the user's INITIAL-⎕PW should be used at startup, even when
>>> WINCH-SETS-⎕PW is enabled.
>>> So the startup priority would be (high to low):
>>>  - command line
>>>  - INITIAL-⎕PW
>>>  - then WINCH
>>>  - then default 80 columns
>>> Here's a patch for that, if you want (applied against the previous
>>> patch):
>>> $ diff -u src/ src/
>>> --- src/    2024-12-19 13:20:04.000000000 -0600
>>> +++ src/ 2024-12-22 10:11:42.000000000 -0600
>>> @@ -449,10 +452,8 @@
>>>          sigaction(SIGWINCH, &new_WINCH_action, &old_WINCH_action);
>>>          signal_WINCH_handler(0);   // pretend window size change
>>>        }
>>> -   else
>>> -      {
>>> -        Workspace::set_PW(UserPreferences::uprefs.initial_pw, LOC);
>>> -      }
>>> +   // honor the user's initial PW preference, even if WINCH is enabled
>>> +   Workspace::set_PW(UserPreferences::uprefs.initial_pw, LOC);
>>>     memset(&new_control_BSL_action, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
>>> --
>>> Mike Hall
>> --
>> Mike Hall
> --
> Mike Hall

Mike Hall

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