Hi everybody,

as some of you have noticed, there were some disturbances lately
with SVN updates of GNU APL.

These disturbances were caused by my bad idea to make, as a matter of convenience,
the Doxygen documentation of GNU APL visible (and browsable) by checking it in into
SVN so that you could browse it online. The idea was bad for a number of reasons:

1. The 
Doxygen documentation consists of more than 21,000 files, which slows down the
svn up significantly.

2. More importantly, you can only browse the documentation with e.g. the chromium
browser and from the SVN repository, but not with e.g. firefox and from SVN, and with
none of the browsers from git.

3. The reason seemed to be some CORS (cross origin resource sharing) problems
with firefox (which seems to be more strict) while
chromium seems to care less.

For the above reasons I have removed
the Doxygen documentation from SVN
and hopefully also from git.
Sorry for the trouble,

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