It's easy enough to put the same thing in an info dialogue under Help.
I'll stuff that in tonight or tomorrow but keep the status line switchable.
On 09/12/14 20:30, David B. Lamkins wrote:
I find the APL process stats to be useful in gauging performance issues
related to time, I/O and memory (see for a key to the
I can see your point, though: the status line does look "busy" and it
eats up a line or two of vertical space.
Putting this display in its own window is outside of my wheelhouse.
In keeping with the "principle of least surprise", I'm sending Chris a
patch to disable the APL process stats by default. They'll be enabled
using the --apl-stats command-line option.
On Fri, 2014-09-12 at 16:29 -0500, Blake McBride wrote:
The bottom of my aplwrap screen displays:
#0 ∆e: 1.18 ∆u: 0.00 ∆s: 0.00 ∆v: 52,043,776 ∆r: 3,239,936 ∆f: 983 ∆F:
0 ∆b: 0.00 ∆rc: 37,908 ∆wc: 134 ∆rb: 0 ∆wb: 0 ∆ic: 29 ∆oc: 12 ∆cw: 0
This is getting kind of crazy. My suggestion is this - get rid of
that display entirely. Add a Help / Info menu option that brings up a
window with a verbose version of that information.