I noticed that last night.

The GTK+ framework preserves text attributes during copy and paste.
Since the transcript text is not editable, neither is a pasted copy of
some selection of that text.

I'll see whether I can figure out how to override that behavior.

Meanwhile, you can use aplwrap's "copy-down" feature. Select some text
in the transcript and press Enter; the selection will be copied down to
the input area; this copy is editable.

On Fri, 2014-09-12 at 07:32 -0500, Blake McBride wrote:
> Greetings,
> If I type a line, before I hit enter I can backspace or arrow around
> the line to edit it.  This is very convenient when you type in a long
> line and realize you made a typo somewhere in the middle.  You are
> able to correct the problem without retyping the rest of the line.
> Unfortunately, sometime you want to copy from somewhere else, paste
> the line where you are, and then make a small edit to it.  Aplwrap
> will allow you to edit a line you type but not a line you paste.
>  Treating the paste like a typed in line is very beneficial.
> Thanks.
> Blake

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