I am using vanilla LinuxMint 16.  GTK comes with it.  Upgrading to test is
sort of a big job that messes up auto-update.  Let me see if I can get an
exact sequence to duplicate the problem instead.  Is that okay?

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Chris Moller <mol...@mollerware.com> wrote:

>  Can you try putting in a newer version?  3.8.7 is from November of last
> year.  They've done a  lot of bug-fixing since then and it would be good to
> know if the bug is on my end or in GTK.
> On 09/12/14 09:40, Blake McBride wrote:
> Looks like I am running 3.8.7
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Chris Moller <mol...@mollerware.com>
> wrote:
>>  What version of GTK are you using?  I'm running 3.10.9 though in
>> configure.ac I'm only checking for versions >= 3.0.12.  There may be
>> some incompatibility.
>> On 09/12/14 08:39, Blake McBride wrote:
>> Greetings,
>>  I was in the middle of editing a function using the regular del-editor,
>> I copied and pasted a line, I then exited aplwrap by clicking on the x in
>> the upper left hand corner of the screen without closing the function I was
>> editing.  Aplwrap gave me:
>>  (aplwrap:29325): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion 'main_loops
>> != NULL' failed
>>  (aplwrap:29325): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid unclassed pointer in
>> cast to 'GtkTextView'
>>  (aplwrap:29325): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark:
>> assertion 'GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text_view)' failed
>> *** Error in `aplwrap': malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted:
>> 0x0000000001f88cc0 ***
>>  Thanks.
>>  Blake

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