Thanks, Juergen. The original post referred to the aplwrap command line. The aplwrap code has been changed to pass "-- additional args" to GNU APL.
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GN... David Lamkins
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL Juergen Sauermann
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL David Lamkins
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL Blake McBride
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL Chris Moller
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL Blake McBride
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GN... Elias MÃ¥rtenson
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper fo... Blake McBride
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL David Lamkins
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL David Lamkins
- Re: [Bug-apl] A GTK wrapper for GNU APL David B. Lamkins