On 08/16/14 22:09, David B. Lamkins wrote:
There are two small tweaks that I'd like to see w.r.t. key mapping and
1. GNOME binds alt-` to rotate through an applications windows, making
this keystroke unavailable for ◊ in aplwrap. Through trial and error I
discovered that I can use ctrl-alt-` instead.
While documenting this would be OK, it's still inconsistent with the
behavior of the rest of the alt-key mappings. Is it possible to disable
the GNOME intercept on a per-app basis? Failing that, perhaps ◊ could be
duplicated on some other keytop to give folks who don't read
documentation a chance to use that key.
Don't know about GNOME, but there's no way in KDE to disable or remap
that binding. That's why I put diamond on alt-shift-D, D-for-diamond.
2. With laptops, netbooks and other compact devices, keys like Break,
PrintScreen, SysRequest, ScrollLock, Pause and Break are disappearing.
(None of the keyboards that I use have a Break key.) Would it be
possible to add a second binding for the APL attention key? It's going
to be a challenge to find something that isn't either already bound or
not readily available in international keyboard layouts. Perhaps ctrl-.
Do your keyboards have a "Windows" key? That key shows up in GDK as
GDK_KEY_Super_L, making it possible for ctrl-Windows to be used as an
interrupt. (I just tried it.)