The --with-apl-source-dir= thing is left over from an old version and I forget to take it out of the INSTALL file. Now it asks apl itself where the source is. If it's important, I can stick the option back in, but, mostly, it should do things automagically.

You can set the font size with the -s option:

   aplwrap -s 22

for example, will set the size to 22 points. Default is 12 points, which is kinda big, but with anything much smaller some characters like del-tilde are pretty muddy. I'll see if I can find a mono-font.

And, finally, the scroll thing is a "feature" ofGtkTextView I haven't yet been able to outwit, but I'll keep hacking.


On 08/12/14 18:47, David Lamkins wrote:
Nice start! Thanks for doing this. :)

--with-apl-source-dir= is not recognized by configure, but

APL_SOURCES=<path> ./configure

seems to work.

A few obvious things for the wish list:

1. a monospaced font
2. ability to adjust font size
3. automatically scroll to end of buffer on output

Again, thank you. This is a very pleasant surprise. :)

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
   Albert Einstein

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