On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 19:39 -0500, Jon Siwek wrote:

> A preview of what migrated issues will look like along with new labeling 
> scheme:

Looks great, nice job. The only thing I noticed is that the labels are
quite long, making the list of tickets appear somewhat crowded. Could
we skip the prefixes ("Type:", "Component:") and instead use colors to
encode them? So, say, all types would be green, all components yellow
(which they already are), etc.

> Remaining tasks:

We are leaving switching to github as authoritative source for the
repositories to later, right? Doing it all at the same time could
avoid confusion ("everything is on github now" is an easier
statement), but would also make the process more complex. Maybe the
real question here is if we want to switch repositories before or
after 2.6?


Robin Sommer * Corelight, Inc. * ro...@corelight.com * www.corelight.com
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