btw, the new cmake boost 1.41 imports look *very* good so far. The INSTALL_VERSIONED=ON broke a few things on my first pass, but all due to path issues.

I'd ideally like to make use of BOOST_INSTALL_CMAKE_DRIVERS and INSTALL_VERSIONED. Is the intention to just include lib/Boost.cmake and have it take care of all of the pathing and version information depending on the results of find_package(Boost 1.41...) or some such? If lib/Boost.cmake can support multiple versions of boost installed, it would be *ideal* if the effort required to use boost were as simple as:

set(Boost_MIN_VERSION 1.41)
set(Boost_SET_INCLUDE ON) # Should default to ON, same concept for linker flags
find_package(Boost ${Boost_VERSION} COMPONENTS thread NO_MODULE)
# no need for include(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) with Boost_SET_INCLUDE=ON

Err... 1.41.0 builds smoothly, but I'm having issues integrating boost with cmake 2.6.4. Looking for "the right way" to do things.

If I'm using a custom installation root, do I use find_package (Boost...) or include(".../BoostConfig.cmake") ? It's installed in to the custom root, not just built but uninstalled.

set(Boost_DEBUG TRUE)

find_package(Boost ${WANT_BOOST_VERSION} REQUIRED date_time graph program_options regex signals system thread unit_test_framework NO_MODULE) # include("${CONTRIBOBJ}/share/boost-${WANT_BOOST_VERSION}/cmake/ BoostConfig.cmake")
  message(FATAL_ERROR "Boost not found")

If you use include() + find_package() you get a bunch of the following (know it's my fault, but FYI):

--  found: Boost
globbed: ../../boost-1.41.0//cmake//BoostConfig.cmake
CMake Error at obj/contrib-Darwin-i386/lib/boost-1.41.0/Boost.cmake: 16 (ADD_LIBRARY): add_library cannot create imported target "boost_date_time-mt- static"
  because another target with the same name already exists.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
obj/contrib-Darwin-i386/share/boost-1.41.0/cmake/BoostConfig.cmake: 28 (include)
  cmake/setup_boost.txt:28 (include)
  cmake/setup_contrib.txt:19 (INCLUDE)
  CMakeLists.txt:16 (INCLUDE)

CMake Error at obj/contrib-Darwin-i386/lib/boost-1.41.0/Boost.cmake: 19 (ADD_LIBRARY): add_library cannot create imported target "boost_date_time-mt- shared"
  because another target with the same name already exists.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
obj/contrib-Darwin-i386/share/boost-1.41.0/cmake/BoostConfig.cmake: 28 (include)
  cmake/setup_boost.txt:28 (include)
  cmake/setup_contrib.txt:19 (INCLUDE)

If I use include(".../BoostConfig.cmake") instead, it obviously doesn't populate Boost_LIBRARIES because there weren't any COMPONENTS specified:

Linking CXX executable ../obj/contrib-Darwin-i386/bin/foo_unittests
Undefined symbols:
"boost::test_tools::print_log_value<char const*>::operator() (std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)", referenced from: std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& boost::test_tools::tt_detail::operator<< <char const*> (std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, boost::test_tools::tt_detail::print_helper_t<char const*> const&) in "boost::unit_test::unit_test_log_t::set_checkpoint (boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const>, unsigned long, boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const>)", referenced from:
      test_foo::test_method()       in

I can populate the list of libs that I need by hand, but am looking for guidance on what's the right way forward.

Is there a correct way to use find_package(Boost...) with an installed 1.41.0 atm? I notice Boost_VERSION is set as a string in BoostConfig.cmake but the older FindBoost.cmake that comes with cmake 2.6.4 is expecting an integer. -sc

Sean Chittenden

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