Hi all,
Am 26.11.22 um 13:02 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:
topic with lots of questions on the Monday call agenda.
Am 26.11.22 um 15:25 schrieb Cor Nouws:
I mentioned items that make it questionable
Questions just to delay the matter more and more?
At least that's the impression I get.
Thanks to Paolo the process has been started here on Feb 7th.
After an incredible period of 9(!) months, an incredible amount of
around 15-20(!) versions of the 14(!) pages 'Proposal of TDF
In-House-Developers' and incredible efforts from especially Kendy and
Paolo (big thanks to both of you!) it seems to me that some want to
restart the process ('stop here and restart, from a clean state';
're-evaluate', ...).
For what reason? Because of one sentence? Incredible!
At LibOCon in Milan, 2(!) months ago, with the participation of board,
MC, team and community (Uwe's workshop Sept 26), it turned out that this
is an _important and urgent_ matter the board to deal with.
The now famous 'one sentence'...
Am 18.11.22 um 11:30 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:
"Eventual limitations related to tasks, areas, projects or bugs on which
the in-house developers should not work, eg. third parties are already
engaged with them, shall be regulated through separate agreements and
relevant communications between TDF and the third parties."
In general this is more than unusual from my point of view.
Can anyone here explain why an employer should accept restrictions on
their employee's activities from third parties? Would she/he accept it
herself/himself as an employer?
Furthermore, I think that a good relationship with everyone is valuable
and helpful for all parts of the community and for the common projects.
So instead of retrograding let us move forward. Quickly.
Stephan Ficht, Member of the Board of Trustees
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