Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 19/08/2022 17:34:

I'd not bet on it.

It's your (the board) duty to create a clean process without any
obstruction and equality of choice for everyone.

Everyone must and will have a fair change to (be) nominate(d).
The deadline is clear.
Another part from the announcement:
" Please send nominations and self-nominations via e-mail to
electi...@documentfoundation.org (which reaches the Board of Directors in private) and *at the same time (!)* to board-discuss@documentfoundation.org (which is a public mailing list)."
So of there is any delay in moderation, then there is
- the mail to elections@
- the mail in moderation queue
that make clear beyond doubt that/if a nomination is before Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00
"(00:00 is beginning of the day, 24:00 is end of the day)
All times in CEST/UTC+2"

With the elections starting a week after end nomination, I really fail to see how a possible delay in moderation can break the process.

..  If you fail, you have
to take the full responsibility and draw the obvious conclusion.

Thanks :)


Am 19.08.22 um 17:10 schrieb Cor Nouws:
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 19/08/2022 16:13:

The time it takes to moderate a candidacy email through the moderation
queue is the proof that this is an obstruction of the election process.

As we know, the nomination phase ends on Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00.
So if five days before that moment there is a delay in moderation, I
don't think you can seriously argue that there is any obstruction of
the election process.

Having said that: it definitely is good to make sure that delay is not
the norm, and that we do not miss any last minute nominations. Thanks
for reminding us.


Quote from the announcement,
Subject: [board-discuss] [ANN] Announcing the election for the next
TDF Membership Committee
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 13:02:11 +0200
From: Thorsten Behrens <t...@documentfoundation.org>
To: TDF Board Discussion <board-discuss@documentfoundation.org>

" 2. Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 24:00: end of the nomination phase (one
week before the election starts, as per § 12 II)

3. Thursday, 2022-09-01, 00:00: official start of the elections (at
least 45 days after announcement of the election, as per § 12 II) "

## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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