My name is Uwe Altmann, I’m 65 years old male, married and living in
Saarbücken (Germany) direct by the french border. I’m self-employed, bur mostly preparing my retirement.

I joined the (then) OpenOffice community around 2004. Mostly in marketing activities as helping at CeBit fair as long as we had a booth there. Besides being engaged in German community I did some QA and documentation on Macs. In the past few years I helped the TDF to get GDPR compliant an
developing the idea of a business unit.

In “real live” - with an completed education as psychologist and statistician - I did mostly data analysis, statistics and consulting, both public administration and charitable organizations. So thus I‘m kind of experienced in German charity laws, managing organizations as well as internal revenue code, especially concerning charitable organizations. I’m not a coder anymore – my last programming experience lies back in the early 90ies (at least there is some). But besides this my last payed job was requirements engineer and managing a team of developers.

The spare time I won by reducing my business activities I use to do
more for the TDF. Strengthen the community is one of my favorite goals. I may as well help in compliance with the German charity regulations and in organizational matters. So I was elected in 2020 for the first time into the MC as a substitute member. Since then, I developed the specification and served as the product owner of the new Software to manage applications, which hopefully will be productive in the next few weeks.

Full name: Uwe Altmann
Email address: u...@libreoffice.org
Corporate affiliation: None

~75 words candidacy text:
I, Uwe Altmann, candidate for a seat in the membership committee of The Document Foundation. I have been around with the project and TDF since the early beginning, mostly in German community and QA for the Mac version. Actually I’m more in organizational matters. Being more an administrative guy than a coder I would like to foster the TDF as organization.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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