Hi all,
I'm opening a new thread because I would like to clarify a bit my
position on why this is necessary for TDF to have an online version and
why I think it's possible if we all take a balanced position and listen
to each others.
I believe delivering LibreOffice on centralized online services in
resource-constrained environments and on Android powered tablets and
phones is explicitly part of our mission.
There are a lot of countries in the world where the current ecosystem is
not and will never be present. For example health workers in Africa who
rely on Android OS almost uniquely to perform their work.
There is a big part of the population which will never pay for support
because they *cannot* offer it. For example micro-businesses in France
represent 96% [1], SMEs 3.8% and it's only France. There are also
journalists, students and pupils over the world, and so on. That should
leave enough room for everybody to exist, without preventing TDF to
support a big part of the world.
So for me the topic is not do we want to compete each other, but do we
want to complete each other. And if we brainstorm on that common goal,
I'm sure we will find ways to be beneficial for both the ecosystem and
the foundation and that should even broaden the ecosystem. TDF has to
take care of those left over users anyway.
Some may reply that it doesn't fulfill the technical part, but to my
eyes, if we get room for everyone, community will show up to help
filling the gap.
[1] see the black bloc on the left of the page in English:
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
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