Hi Kendy, all,

Am 07.04.22 um 17:21 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Čt 07. 04. 2022 v 16:56 +0200:

Applying the above, the CoI'd deputy is not CoI'd any more when
representing the non-CoI'd director, correct?
No, because the reprenting deputy has the CoI in his person and could
not drop that.
I see, thank you!  Is this all collected somewhere at one place so that
I can read it myself, and don't have to ask you bit by bit?

there is no such document, which collects all answers.

But it's not necessary have everything in writing. Most things are usual
in the most developed countries and logical by good judgement.

E.g. I'd expect you wouldn't find it usual, if an employee (e.g. from
Collabora) would have the power to decide on his own about his salary
and the employer had to pay this amount of money. I have never heard
about such behavior e.g. in European country.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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