Hi Kendy, Thorsten, all,
Thanks a lot for your feedback and explanations, that clears my
concerns. As Paolo said, mentioning translation/documentation was
confusing me.
Le 29/03/2022 à 10:18, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
Hi Sophie,
sophi píše v Po 28. 03. 2022 v 21:55 +0200:
Would that mean that each time a l10n team resign for whatever
(UK currently in my mind and heart), it will be atticized and need
least 3 contributors who use something else than Weblate to
their contributions to be accepted again in the LO community?
From my point of view, you don't have to worry at all:
1) 'The “attic” is a special area [...] not being actively
developed, *can* be stored.' (emphasis mine)
=> it is up to the l10n community to propose to ESC and Board to
atticize something, not that it would go there automatically.
If it fits you better not to atticize (eg. there is no risk when
incomplete translations are used for production, etc.), I don't
think anything forces you to put the particular language to
the attic.
2) 'A sufficient number of developers [2] have committed changes',
where the [2] says: '1 for small, 3 for medium, and 6 developers
for a large project'
=> if the l10n community decide to atticize something, best if they
define the size they'd like to target for the de-atticization. To
me, 'small' sounds reasonable for one language.
Hope this helps?
All the best,
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
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