Hi Thorsten, all,
Am 28.03.22 um 21:21 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:
The developers which work on that project need to organize their work
inside that new environment. They will already organize their workflow
and communication channels.
The easiest (and for many developers, most convenient & accustomed)
venue for that are gitlab or github. To me, that is zero obstacles.
You can even give both platforms a remote git repo to clone from,
that's, like, two clicks and a paste.
that is only the manual part. This may be not very difficult (e.g. if it
happens in [nearly] the same environment). But you didn't consider the
mental aspects. Why should a developer / a group of developers take
their work / their freedom back under the control of the ESC / TDF and
had potentially to frighten the attic process again (especially if they
work as volunteers in their spare time)?
And thus the question pops up, why they should invest their (volunteer)
work time to ask for moving the project onto TDF resources, change their
workflow etc. and transfer everything onto TDF resources and under the
hat and control of TDF.
My personal take is - that is very little effort, compared to actually
developing. But of course it helps if there's community interest, in
pushing/advocating the re-opening.
In the past at least, there was interest in having projects hosted at
TDF. It comes with good name recognition, and a large and diverse
community. I suspect the positive marketing effects would be
noticeable, when reviving an atticised project, and therefore (as a
developer myself) don't see a problem here.
I'd recommend not to gear about towards the past. I'd have a look on the
LOOL process and you get the opposite.
Thus if TDF moves a project to the attic a steel door is locked behind
it with a lot of locks. It will be unlikely that such a project will get
back to live inside the TDF environment.
I don't think that follows at all (and in fact has very little to do
with realities out there - every github project would then be
essentially locked, since one needs to fork it to be able to commit).
But if you fork a Github repo you could make a pull request to the
upstream project. This will be blocked for an attic project by the proposal.
## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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