On Fri, 2022-03-25 at 12:21 +0100, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> - making embedded Firebird the functional equivalent of embedded
> hsqldb - currently, it is like some awkward reject, shivering in the
> cold and dark - lots of incremental improvements to be made here;
> - migrating the Java report generator code to C++ - there used to be
> a native report writer, and it got killed off in favour of Java -
> however, this would not be a small endeavour.

FWIW the firebird and report generator things are the two base issues
that I'm aware of and would love to see progress on.

> - fixing old regressions, e.g. the chart bug in the report builder;

This one I'm unaware of. Is this bug#87012 or another?

> Of course, if the general thinking in the "dev community" is that
> database front end support is a dead duck

FWIW I don't think base a dead duck or that it needs to be excised, but
maybe it's fair to designate it as an area of concern. 

Caolán McNamara, Member of the Board of Directors
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