Hi all,

Am 26.02.22 um 15:29 schrieb Cor Nouws:
Hi all,

It is of course good and necessary that we take action here.
What Putin is doing is clearly wrong. Of course one could have
discussions on the international political situation that plays a
certain role, but that doesn't change my opinion on this act of
violence. Also for me it is encouraging that many people in Russia
speak up
I think he is not doing wrong. He is an international criminal, a war
criminal. And thus there is no doubt that he and PutinsWar should be
treated as it is.
against this war. Doing that is known to be risky and thus brave and I
- at a safe distance - would not dare to expect from anyone to follow
the example. Then the fact the people work in military/defense
industry, doesn't necessarily make them in favor of what is
This people in Russia which rais their voice against PutinsWar and his
propaganda are very brave.
happening now. I know people that work there because they consider it
wise to prepare to defense in case one is being attacked. Further
more, we know from recent wars (Yugoslavia, Syria, etc. ) that very
good friends became enemies after the powers in that country (the word
'leader' is misplaced there IMO) started a war. Therefore, whatever
the TDF statement will be, I find in valuable to (try to) interact
with the people involved that are with us in the AB.

You could only interact with people which respect the law of nations and
the charter of the United Nations. Thus if you work for an organization,
which are involved in such offenses, you need to end your engagement and
distance yourself creditable from this organization to get creditable as
a individual again. As long as you stay in connection with this
organization there is no ground for a reconsideration. One needs to work
hard on her/his moral reputation to get credit again.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer

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