Thank you for your support Michael!I confirm that my proposal does not contemplate at all offering LTS version or any other services in exchange for donations.
Ciao Paolo On 10/02/2022 13:36, Michael Weghorn wrote:
Hi all, On 08/02/2022 17.01, sophi wrote:Le 07/02/2022 à 19:16, Paolo Vecchi a écrit :* Members of the ecosystem and others also suggested that we should spend more money in development * Bugs, a11y issues and features can be harder to taken care of by volunteers and are not always addressed by the ecosystem * We need to build up internal skills and development capabilities to speed up innovationI agree here that there are several areas like CJK and CTL (and not only for bug fixes) or ally that should deserve much more love from TDF and I'm sure our donors would be happy that we invest in this area too.That would help also to grow this part of the community, which is very complicated to achieve when our version is difficult to use.That sounds like a good approach to me, in particular for areas where there's currently no specific interest from ecosystem companies or volunteers and that are unsuitable for tenders, but considered important for the community. I would see that in line with how TDF already employs non-developer staff to take care of other important aspects not (sufficiently) covered by other contributors.I have the impression that a fundamentally important question is what the purpose/task of TDF-internal developers would be.If larger topics that TDF-internal developers were to work on were first agreed on in the bodies where ecosystem companies are present as well (like ESC and/or the board), my expectation would be that the development work from different sides should work together nicely, rather than creating any kind of destructive competition. (Ecosystem company products profit from contributions made to LibreOffice as well, and having a better overall product should in my opinion also increase the range of potentially interested customers in general.)Of course, in case the main intention were for TDF to provide more business-like services (like an LTS version or creating an impression of "donate a certain amount of money and your pet bug will be fixed"), I see very well how that might interfere significantly with the business model of ecosystem companies.Assuming members in the involved LibreOffice/TDF bodies found a way to work together constructively, my current impression is that this approach could be for the benefit of all.However, I must admit I don't know the ecosystem company perspective first-hand, so would be interested in learning more about specific concerns.Best regards, Michael
-- Paolo Vecchi - Deputy Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details:
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