
Thanks Paolo for adding words to the important topics, the language
barrier and privacy matters.
As I mentioned in a previous mail, I'm not a member of TDF at least
now, so I will not reply to your comment. I think it's a
responsibility for the members.

Anyway, thank you for your warm words!


2021年11月30日(火) 1:28 Paolo Vecchi <paolo.vec...@documentfoundation.org>:
> みなさん こんにちは
> On 29/11/2021 14:08, sophi wrote:
> >
> >> - The questions to the candidates will be in English or translated to
> >> English.
> > I would like to send a big thank you to Naruhiko for his work on live
> > translation. This is a difficult work but very important for the
> > understanding of the future actions of the Board.
> > Big thanks for your investment there, and also to the Japanese community
> > for its great presence :)
> > Cheers
> > Sophie
> >
> I'd like to join Sophie in thanking Naruhiko for translating the session
> and for the insight provided of the Japanese community.
> Language is a barrier for many so I believe it's important to have and
> probably invest in people and tools that make exchanges of ideas easier
> with the many LibreOffice communities around the world.
> While there may be some cultural differences we have a lot of issues and
> opportunities in common on which we need to work together.
> One of the points that have been mentioned is Privacy. Also here in
> Europe the vast majority of people is totally unaware of the issues
> caused by what is sometimes called "surveillance capitalism" but changes
> are happening here with various groups and even with new European laws
> that should reduce the dependency on US providers.
> Maybe there are similar groups dedicated to promoting privacy and
> technological sovereignty that could help supporting LibreOffice?
> Any other suggestions and information that could be useful to TDF to
> help you out?
> Ciao
> Paolo
> --
> Paolo Vecchi - Deputy Member of the Board of Directors
> The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
> Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
> Legal details: https://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

Naruhiko NARU Ogasawara (naru...@gmail.com)

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