Hi all,

I’m Emiliano and I would like to run as candidate for the next Board of Directors.

I’m a FOSS advocate since 2001. To me, what makes open source shine, is its community and the interactions between the people behind.

In my daily job, I work as a senior system administrator for a small company, called BgWorld, that is based in Bergamo, in the North of Italy. We provide IT services and support to small and medium sized companies. While my roots in the community are in infrastructure, event organization and documentation, I know they are just three out of the many pillars our project stands on. My goal for the next term is therefore to strengthen the relationship between all our native language communities and the Foundation through shared goals, and work with all of you on a brighter perspective on where we want to bring TDF in the next years.

Let me express my respect and appreciation to our broad and inspiring community. I have also to be thankful to fellow Directors in this and previous terms and to our team, as every single one of them was kind enough to explain and drive me through the learning curve of being a new Director. Thanks truly for this. In the same community spirit, I will be happy to help to mentor community members who wish to apply, for the first time, for a seat inside the governing bodies of TDF.

I commit myself to put what I learned at the service of the Foundation for another term.

I am surely available for any questions that will arise from community members about my candidacy. Please feel free to contact me for anything you want to ask.


Full Name: Emiliano Vavassori
Email: syntaxerror...@libreoffice.org
Affiliation: BgWorld Srl

75 words statement:

I’d like to put my knowledge, energies and heart at the service of our Foundation, for a second term in the board. My focus will be on safeguarding the sustainability of the project, by working on a healthy environment for all current and future volunteers, all corporate citizens and in general all stakeholders, with the goal to further grow the project in all areas. I want to ensure that their contributions have equal positive impacts.

Emiliano Vavassori

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