As agreed during the last BoD call (July 2nd), I would like the BoD to approve the following:

1. Develop a training for certification (attached), which allows to access the "LibreOffice Certified" entry level (without specification about migrations and training), after the usual certification review. Once the training for certification has been approved, it will be transformed into a series of online training classes provided through Udemy (which seems to be almost a standard for certification training, as it is used by Microsoft, Oracle and Cisco, plus others).

2. Keep the current "Migration Professional" and "Professional Trainer" as main level certification for people who have a hands-on experience in migrations or training (exactly as in the past). People with LibreOffice Certification could apply for Professional Certification after 12 months from the first certification, based on a migration/training project with extensive documentation (a detailed report of the migration project, or a detailed evaluation of the training project). Only people with full pre-requisites compliance can directly access Professional Certification without going through LibreOffice Certification.

3. Create the certification training for single applications: "LibreOffice Writer/Calc/Impress/Draw/Base Certified Trainer", which is simple and uncontroversial.

4. Create a "Senior Migration Professional" and a "Senior Professional Trainer" certifications, only for certified professionals who have been active in the project for a while and contribute as volunteers in some area.

5. Update all certification related documents to reflect all the above.

Thanks, Italo

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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