Hello, on the vote count, let me explain the mechanism:
We have three votes in support (Thorsten, Lothar, Cor) and we have three votes not in support (Emiliano, Daniel, Franklin). Michael abstained. One deputy (Nicolas) is in support, one deputy (Paolo) is not in support. The deputy votes, however, are not counted "technically".
That means we have three votes in favor, three votes not in favor, and one abstention.
As summarized in the vote tally, that means we have a tie. As per § 9 IV of the statutes, in this case, the vote of the chairperson (if they are absent from the vote, which they weren't however, it would be the deputy chairperson) is the deciding one.
That does not mean the chairperson has a second vote - as summarized, the vote is and stays 3 vs. 3. "4" was not mentioned.
As the chairperson, Lothar, voted in favor, this is the vote that is deciding, and as such, the request has been approved.
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