Membership Committee meeting minutes for 2020-Q4 filing

1. Call to order & Roll Call

The meeting took place on 2020-09-24.
Present: Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco, Shinji Enoki, Jona Azizaj, Ilmari
Lauhakangas (former MC member), Lothar Becker (Board), Gabriele Ponzo,
Ahmad Haris, Florian Effenberger (ED), Uwe Altmann, Marina Latini, Dennis
Roczek, Muhammet Kara (joined 21:00 UTC)

Lothar and Florian were invited to the meeting for welcoming the new MC and
doing some onboarding. They both left the call at 19:30 UTC. Ilmari has
been invited to remain.

Elect Marina Latini as Chairwoman of the Membership Committee.
Vote result: Unanimous approval. The proposal has been approved.
All substitute members supported the proposal as well.

2. New Members

The Membership Committee has received Membership Applications since the
last review of the Membership Rolls, has reviewed these Applications in
light of the requirement as defined in the Statutes of The Document
Foundation, and has decided that the status of Member of The Document
Foundation will be granted to the following persons, for a period of 1
(one) year effective the first day of the fourth quarter of 2020:

Andika Triwidada
Dave Barton
Felipe Viggiano
Gökay Şatir
Joan Montané
Marcin Popko
Mesut Çifci
Mihkel Tõnnov
Santiago Bosio
Sarper Akdemir
Shivam Kumar Singh
Stephen Fanning
Tuomas Hietala
Yunusemre Şentürk
Zhenghua Fong

Approved by unanimous roll call vote.

3. Membership Renewals

The Membership Committee has received Membership Renewal requests since the
last review of the Membership Rolls. Memberships that are not renewed in a
timely manner are deemed to have lapsed. The Membership Committee has
reviewed these Renewal requests in light of the requirement as defined in
the Statutes of The Document Foundation and decided that the following
persons have their status of Member of The Document Foundation extended
until the end of the third quarter of 2021.

Andras Timar
Lothar K. Becker
Tulio Macedo
Christophe Cazin
Leo Moons
Vitorio Furusho
Stuart Swales
Stephan Bergmann
Arnaud Versini
Eike Rathke
Kees Kriek
Pierre-Yves Samyn
Gabor Kelemen
Zeki Bildirici
Diego Maniacco
Osvaldo Gervasi
Gabriele Ponzo
Giordano Alborghetti
Paolo Pelloni
Dennis Roczek
Laurent Balland-Poirier
Ashod Nakashian
Henry Castro
Marco Cecchetti
Vasily Melenchuk
Modestas Rimkus
Mike Saunders
Aron Budea
Timur Gadžo
Rob Westein
Jona Azizaj
Zdeněk Crhonek
Silva Arapi
Jens Carl
Elisabetta Manuele
Philippe Hemmel
Dieter Praas
Rizal Muttaqin
Alexandre Arnaud
Behzat Yildirim
Celia Palacios Gómez-Tagle
Renato Javier Barsotti
Ismael Fanlo Boj
Richard Palusaar
Jun Meguro
Petr Valach
Xiomara Céspedes Jiménez

The renewed members Dennis Roczek, Gabriele Ponzo and Jona Azizaj abstained
from voting for their own renewal. For all the other members the list has
been approved by unanimous roll call vote.

4. Adjourning

All business being concluded, the meeting was closed on 2020-09-24.

Meeting minutes approved:

Gustavo Pacheco Keeper of the minutes
Gabriele Ponzo Chairperson (first part)
Marina Latini Chairperson (second part)

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