Hi Uwe,

Am 16.09.20 um 17:07 schrieb Uwe Altmann:
> Hi Andreas
> Am 15.09.20 um 20:17 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
>> This gives three members/members representatives with affiliation
>> 'Collabora Productivity' during this board call.
> Nope.
> Following the cited message at 
> https://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/2019/msg00109.html
>  , it looks to me Infinis beeing a partner, not an subsidiary of Collabora.
> Reading the German original text of § 8 (4) of our statutes [1], "afiliate" 
> has the clear meaning of "subsidiary", not "partner".
> As you wrote:
>> ...if there has nothing changed...
> [1] "...für dieselbe Firma, Organisation oder Einheit oder einer ihrer 
> Tochterorganisationen als Angestellte arbeiten."

I already knew the German binding text. But you are following only the
first interpretation method. But that is not the whole story ;-)


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