On 9/9/20 11:29 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:

> This is a very interesting point. 4k people in Weblate, so that would be
> 350 persons or so on average for every language that LibreOffice supports?

Although I have a degree in humanities, I am still capable of handling
basic operations: 4000 divided by 140 active language projects gives as
a result 28.6, quite a smaller figure. Even if we consider only the 119
available languages, the figure is 33.6.

>> I think that a solution to this issue is to reach out to native language
>> communities, especially outside Europe, where the relationship with the
>> core group is less strong.

> I think we have to recognize that the number of 4k people there is very
> high. Even if say 10% would contribute (...) it is unrealistic to expect
> that their membership will help with a balanced, strong governance of
> the foundation.

According to the statutes, if they contribute they can become TDF
members. Statutes do not mention at all the way their membership can
help a balanced and strong governance of the foundation. And in any
case, how each TDF member helps a balanced and strong governance falls
under the personal judgement, and here each one may have a completely
different point of view.

> Yet, having them on our side showing support, spreading the word, is
> important. And the same applies in the area of e.g. marketing and
> design. We do want to value the support also from people that help on a
> booth or do a local presentation 2, 3 times a year and have them engaged.
> Is it necessary to try to make them all member? Growing membership is
> not a goal of the community.

My opinion is completely different here, and I think there are several
other people who share my point of view. Actually, several people asked
about ideas to grow the membership by involving more contributors.

> More important is that the board of
> trustees is composed in a way, that this supports that people who
> are doing the hard and essential work of development will also be
> leading their own work. We cannot afford that the meritocracy
> disappears; this is undesired.

Sorry, but I completely disagree here. Having a board of trustees based
only on developers would be as bad as having a board of trustees without
developers, and would kill meritocracy in both cases.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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