Hi Andreas,
On 8/28/20 9:18 AM, Andreas Mantke wrote:
Hi, I have two first questions to the candidates: a) regarding the mission of the MC (§ 12 of the statutes) have you already participated in board calls during the last two years as external (non-member)?
Yes, a few times. But I usually skim through the minutes, and read the interesting (to me, as a member of BoT & MC) parts in detail.
b) What is your personal take on a 'cooling down' periode between being a member of leading bodies of the foundation, regarding the first sentence in the statutes § 12?
Didn't think about it specifically before, but after checking the statutes again based on your question, and reading through some of the replies, Uwe's take makes sense to me.
Regards, Muhammet
Regards, Andreas
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