Hi Andreas,

On 25/07/2020 09:58, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> for those who complains about LibreOffice campains stating free (like
> free beer), here is a current example from the official LibreOffice account:
> https://twitter.com/libreoffice/status/1286929532222570496/photo/1

This is actually an image from an older campaign, before we started to
reduce usage of the word "free". The reason I reused the image there was
because there was a flurry of tweets around Microsoft's subscription
models, and people asking about alternatives. So I quickly dug out that

In general, I have cut back on promoting the "free as in beer" messaging
on social media. Still, it can be very useful for some targeted
messaging, such as showing OpenOffice users that there's a much more
up-to-date alternative. I tried doing this without any mention of
"free", but kept getting the same response: "Yeah, but is LibreOffice
free like OpenOffice"?

And, of course, "office software available for use by anyone free of
charge" is part of our statutes.

But I agree that constantly emphasising the "free as in beer" part is
counter-productive to the project as a whole. I spend more time now
engaging in discussions to highlight that the software isn't made for
free, and focusing on LO in terms of the community rather than just the
end-result product.


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