Michael Meeks kirjoitti 13.7.2020 klo 23.09:
        From what I recall (and I may certainly be wrong), the Ministry
eventually switched to MS Office because they piled up lots of minor
problems, and had no effective support / product management / code-fix
partner to help them: but of course no doubt there are political angles
to every such decision.

Yes, the Finnish Ministry of Justice stayed with OOo 3.3.0, never upgraded to LibreOffice and finally in 2018 plunked down 15 million euros for a grand IT revamp plan involving a move to MS products: https://www.tivi.fi/uutiset/hyvasti-openoffice-ministerio-siirtyy-microsoft-ohjelmiin-hanke-maksaa-15-miljoonaa-euroa/b40a9863-a2dc-3323-b976-cb4c2de20ced

At the same time, bureaus under the Ministry of Education were launching the digital matriculation exam making use of a live USB Linux distro and LibreOffice. I guess they didn't consider synergy effects. Considering the tiny size of our country, it is difficult to comprehend the level of myopia involved.


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