Hi Andreas, @!

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 11:18 AM kainz.a <kain...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ..
> As I wrote, community edition is fine for me. Fun Project, Fantastic
> People will be something like a backup which describes the LibreOffice
> community and can be from my point of view a bit more motivated to donate
> or use an enterprise release (for companies).

Thanks for sharing this amazing concept in some past email!

Let me suggest my cents (instead 'LibreOffice Community Edition') based on
it: 'LibreOffice for People'.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 12:46 PM kainz.a <kain...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank Thorston
> I think the discussion was well and we have now something we can work with.
> LibreOffice Community Edition
> If we wait for another 6 months nothing will happen. Only the spirit will
> go away and the community need a clear message how future will be.
> Design proposals can be done until next week meeting on 17.07. for
> LibreOffice and also for the webpage if we have a go for LibreOffice
> Community Edition. So that in the meeting you can vote for something to
> implement.
> So please give feedback in the design irc what are the guidelines.
> Cheers
> Andreas_k
> Michael Meeks <michael.me...@collabora.com> schrieb am Fr., 10. Juli
> 2020, 16:27:
>> On 10/07/2020 11:12, Florian Effenberger wrote:
>> > With all the feedback received, I strongly propose to leave 7.0 without
>> > tagging and finalize the plan for a later release.
>>         I share Thorsten's view. While I've generally been a big
>> proponent of
>> getting everything nailed down in one try, I would strongly prefer to
>> get a weaker solution "Community Edition" out which seems to be
>> collecting a weight of support against Personal. That support arriving
>> even before we had a clear write-up of the issues we want to solve.
>> Perhaps we can iterate it based on feedback, we at least generate some
>> hard data on its effectiveness.
>>         I would also really like to avoid stalling effective improvements
>> to
>> our website to encourage enterprises to support the project. The
>> improvements there to date have been really small and incremental, and
>> as we now know ineffective.
>> > I know there are concerns this would delay things
>> > infinitely and nothing will happen,
>>         Ultimately, we're getting press, and interest, and relevance, and
>> feedback from the community: integrating that into something better
>> while people are interested sounds good to me. I'm sure marketing can
>> turn that into a success story.
>>         It is now widely known that the status-quo is working
>> extraordinarily
>> poorly. Rather than accepting and extending that for six months - I'd
>> prefer to use the momentum to encourage at least some improvement.
>> > The name “Personal” excludes even small educational organizations, which
>> > are a part as per slide 29. It also excludes small NGOs - thinking of
>> > the local street worker office with two volunteers, or the youth care
>> ...
>> > but still, I think “Personal” sets the frame too strict.
>> ...> Also, if we go to universities for the budgeted campus ambassador
>> > program, with the above wording, even using in smaller working groups
>> ...
>> > I know the plan is to draw a line somewhere, but the above, at least for
>> > a non-native speaker, feels quite narrow.
>>         I really don't think we want to discourage contributing to
>> LibreOffice.
>> That's why it's important we get our marketing right.
>>         However carving out Education, Universities, NGOs, youth care - as
>> markets which should not support the project financially is really
>> unhelpful.
>>          It is hard to predict the future, and the best predictions are
>> sold to
>> people rather than being free but checkout:
>> https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/collaboration-software-market
>>         This has a pretty pie-chart in it "Canada Collaboration Software
>> Market
>> share by Application 2026":
>> https://www.gminsights.com/assets/img/collaboration-software-market-by-application.png
>>         Education is approaching 25% of that.
>>         In recent time, Education has been a bright point for actually
>> contributing to the ecosystem.
>>         As one example - we can now build and run on iOS and tablets
>> because of
>> a single education area in Switzerland - as well as a big chunk of
>> Adfinis and Collabora's investment. Perhaps a good thing we didn't tell
>> them that they don't have to contribute or get support.
>>         Education sales has helped to fuel a similarly significant chunk
>> of
>> C'bras development team via sales in lockdown.
>>         It is quite unclear to me why some segments that pay for a premis,
>> heating, lighting, hardware, sysadmin time, network bandwidth,
>> deployment, a Windows OS ;-) and more should not be encouraged to
>> contribute to LibreOffice's growth.
>>         For our friends, we can sooth their conscience and tell them that
>> using
>> the Personal or Community version is just fine for them, and that we
>> contribute for them - or whatever =) that's easy to do personally
>> surely? That means we can help our friends and neighbours while not
>> killing the market for whole segments.
>> > What we want to do is to very strongly encourage them, convince them,
>> > make things clear to them, because the project can only survive if there
>> > is sufficient funding, and the ecosystem is one of several key
>> > parameters for the success of TDF - we wouldn't be where we are without
>> > all of you, all of the community.
>>         Thanks for those words.
>> > I find it much easier to celebrate things with a positive message than
>>         Problem is; this celebration party is great - but currently has
>> nearly
>> zero attendees =) The hosts are tapping their watches and wondering if
>> they even bothered to send an invitation out =)
>>         I would really like to see some messaging that we can show is
>> effective.
>> > TDF is no different in this regard! We ourselves, we use lots of free
>> > software as an organization - be it for web, database, file services,
>> > mail, chat, conferencing and other servers. We have the skills in-house
>> > and we often rely on pre-compiled binaries from free software projects.
>> > We do contribute back e.g. by supporting upstream development, doing
>> > advocacy and working together on a common goal.
>>         I think this is generally acceptable in the society of FLOSS
>> projects
>> because we contribute very heavily ourselves.
>>         We don't spend our time complaining about Nextcloud mailing the
>> sysadmins of larger users' to suggest paying for support though =) or
>> for Ubuntu having a 'Pricing' button on its front-page or ... ;-) Most
>> of these other projects are doing the hard (but much easier)
>> corporate-owned FLOSS project branding thing.
>>         We show their brands rather regularly to our users - contributing
>> at
>> least that value to them.
>>         The brands we don't effectively show are from those of our
>> ecosystem
>> that contribute to LibreOffice ;-)
>> > In the end, I trust the marketing team, I trust the board, I trust the
>> > community - and I’m sure our collective wisdom will bring up what is
>> > best for the project.
>>         That is a positive view.
>>         ATB,
>>                 Michael.
>> --
>> michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
>> Hangout: mejme...@gmail.com, Skype: mmeeks
>> (M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe
>> --
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