Florian Effenberger kirjoitti 26.3.2020 klo 23.27:
Florian Effenberger wrote:
We are truly sorry for the inconveniences. The community (thanks a lot
to everyone involved!) has in parallel run several tests and we want
to evaluate an alternate software for tomorrow's call, to enable
everyone to participate. We will send out the final meeting link soon.
for Friday, we'll have the meeting at
(thanks a lot to Paolo for providing that!)
and use our Jitsi instance at
only as a fallback.
This is not what I expected. The last time we discussed this with BoD
members, BBB was supposed to be the fallback.
In the last test, BBB was suffering from similar issues as Jitsi:
browser using lots of CPU cycles, certain participant periodically
losing connection, audio stuttering.
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