Am 11.09.19 um 10:39 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

during today's LibreOffice Conference opening session, the board's resolution to create The Document Collective (TDC) has been announced, which is hereby published to the general public for feedback and discussion.

(Please use the public board-discuss@documentfoundation.org list for any discusisons related on this topic.)

The resolution taken during the board meeting on Monday, September 9, is as follows:

The Board RESOLVES to start creation of The Document Collective (TDC) by taking the following acts:

 - Broadly, to implement the concepts in the Board's Document "The Document Collective" version 0.4

 - Appoint a transitional leadership Group comprising Simon Phipps, Eike Rathke, Michael Meeks, Thorsten Behrens, and/or other volunteers TBD...

could there be a Conflict of Interest (CoI)?:


and maybe an issue with self-dealing? And what about good governance /compliance?


And once I googled the address of Public Software CiC I stumbled over this:


(374 companies listed under this address).


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