Hi Daniel,
Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:
I'd like to propose consider having a person to make hotel reservations
and book flights so members from different corners of the world can
attend a conference. Say international or regional.
Such person not need to work the whole year as a few months would enough.
IMHO, such figure is needed as many members can afford the costs
involved, even thinking in reimbursement.
thanks for your mail!
We are aware of the problems that travel booking can cause. So far,
Sophie has been handling individual bookings manually, which is quite a
tedious process. People change flights, sometimes flights can only be
booked from a foreign website, and lots of other unexpected issues. It
can easily take a few hours of time for more complicated bookings, as we
had learned the hard way.
For quite a while already, we've been investigating working with a
travel agency to overcome that problem, but sadly, most of them were not
willing to work with us or had incredibly high costs associated.
I'd like to make another approach soon. If anyone has trustworthy
contacts to travel agencies or ideally knows how other FLOSS projects
solve that problem, insight is very much welcome!
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