Hi *,

Michael Meeks wrote:
> On 28/11/2018 09:40, Michael Stahl wrote:
> > so i'll propose to migrate the ODF Toolkit to The Document Foundation.
>       Seems like something the BoD should vote on, In general, subject to the
> marketing concerns at the end, it seems like a good idea to me. I assume
> there are no current contributors to be upset either way.
Indeed, very supportive of that idea. I'd be quite happy if the ASF
would formally agree handing this over to TDF.

The functionality the code provides is rather important to the ODF
ecosystem, and LibreOffice in particular.  Being able to maintain it
(if only occasionally), and having an official upstream that is not
read-only is crucial at least to me.

>       From a licensing / contributor / compliance perspective - I'd expect
> this to be adapted to fit with our existing policies & practice.
Yes. Though I think that is a 2nd or a 3rd step, after consensus has
emerged if/where to host this project (assuming that whoever commits
to hosting it, can then set policies).

>       I like the idea of immediately sub-setting this - so if people want to
> come along and resurrect the full project they can do so at Apache -
> while we continue to maintain the bits that we need.

>       As such I think we should scope and frame this as "We are hosting and
> maintaining a validation tool we use, while we use it" - rather than
> creating an expectation that we're going to start a significant
> evangelism effort around investing in, promoting, and improving a
> Java-based ODF DOM implementation. Does that fit with your goal ?

That is certainly nothing someone would want to do over here. But
perhaps worth stating the obvious. ;)


-- Thorsten

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